St Michael's Church, Shotwick

The Friends of St Michael's Church



Preserving the church now and for future generations

St. Michael's church at Shotwick is one of Cheshire's hidden treasures. It dates from the time of the Domesday survey in 1086 and although the church was rebuilt in the 14th century the original Norman arch to the entrance remains. The tower dates from 1500. The box pews, the churchwardens' pew and the three-tiered pulpit are special features of the church furniture. There are six bells in the tower, two dated 1616 and 1621 respectively with four more added in 1938. The earliest surviving registers date from 1698 and the list of incumbents goes back to 1333. Please visit our website at for further information.

The Diocesan Architect inspects the building every five years and issues a report on its condition. The PCC then decide which of the work which needs doing should take priority and so it goes on. However it is very difficult for parishioners alone to shoulder the responsibility of maintaining the church. Simply keeping the building open and accessible for all who wish to see St Michael’s continue to exist as a landmark and focal point on the local landscape is expensive. Contrary to what some might believe, St Michael’s Church is totally self-funded and receives no direct funding from Government or central Church of England resources.

The Friends of St Michael’s Church is a community of people who support St Michael’s PCC in its wish to see the church preserved for the benefit of all who live and work in the parish. The Friends started in 1998 and now as then their aim is to keep the church open and to maintain the fabric, guarding against damp, rot and the general signs of decay inevitable in the ancient building. There are many people who love the church, including those who have old family links such as baptism, marriage and graves in our peaceful country churchyard, and they do not wish the church to close.

There are many benefits of being a Friend of St Michael’s Church. Most importantly your generosity will help to keep the church building open and accessible for future generations. As a Friend you will receive regular newsletters to keep you informed about the church building, its maintenance and upkeep as well as invitations to events organised by St Michael’s church. You will also receive an invitation to attend the Annual Parochial Church Meeting to discuss your ongoing support for this historic building and churchyard.

This, then, is an appeal to you to become a Friend or to renew your membership and thus help to keep St. Michael's Church open. Any donation you are able to make in support of this cause will be very much appreciated. In order to make an impact on the cost of maintaining the church within what is a relatively small parish either a single annual gift of £120 or whatever you would like to give and/or a regular monthly donation of £10 might be a reasonable guide.

Please complete this form and return it to The Friends of St Michael’s Church Administrator, The Vicarage, 5 Burton Manor Gardens, The Village, Burton, Neston CH64 5AG.

I wish to become a member of The Friends of St Michael’s Church Shotwick or to renew my membership.
Name .................................................................
Address: ..................................................................
Email: ...................................................................
I enclose a cheque for £………. payable to St Michael’s Church, Shotwick.
I have authorised my bank to transfer £………. electronically to National Westminster Bank,
Queensferry Branch a/c St Michael’s Church, Shotwick.
  Sort Code             Account            Ref
        54 30 23   01406426       Friends
I have authorised my bank to set up a standing order to pay £………. per month until further notice
with the first payment on (date) …………… National Westminster Bank, Queensferry Branch
a/c St Michael’s Church, Shotwick.
Sort Code             Account            Ref
        54 30 23   01406426       Friends
I wish to Gift Aid my donation of £…….…and any donations I make in the future or have made in
the past four years to St. Michael’s Church, Shotwick (delete if not applicable).

Page last updated: Saturday 15th February 2025 12:57 PM
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